Day 68: Covid Business Boost: League of Women Voters-Maine: VOTE!

Day 68: League of Women Voters-Maine
The right to vote has always been a constitutional right for people in this country.
Unless it wasn't.

In 1876, the 14th Amendment declared that Indigenous people were not citizens and therefore couldn't vote. 1890, indigenous people had to apply for US citizenship.

1882, people of Chinese descent weren't allowed to naturalize & therefore couldn't vote. People of Asian descent, who were US citizens, gained the legal right to vote in 1952.

Women won the long fought battle for the right to vote in 1920.
2020, makes it 100 years that women have had the right to vote get out there!

In my lifetime, The Voters Civil Right Act was passed in 1965, giving every US citizen the right to vote and most historically, African Americans the long overdue right to vote.
The right to vote, is so ingrained in the myth of our country, many people choose not to exercise that right, and some states find ways to block that right.

By boost for today: @League of Women Voters of Maine
they are a nonpartisan organization devoted to US citizens being able to & actually voting.

#getoutthevote2020 #absenteeballots #AreYouRegistered #inittogether #bethechange #blacklivesmatter
#prioritizeequality #YourVoteYourVoice


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