Day 85: Covid Business Boost Michelle Patrick LMT: The Healing Touch

Day 85: Massage Therapist Michelle Patrick July 8th
During The Times of Covid; with the sudden separation from work, friends, social exercise, wellness appointments etc. many people have been feeling touch deprived.
Modern technology can never replace the power of hands on healing.

Michelle Patrick has been focusing her healing arts towards those cranky & vexing musculoskeletal issues that keep people in less than optimal functioning.
You know, those pains that keep you from getting a good night's sleep, vexing ongoing headaches, not being able to exercise...
the list of general peskiness can go on & on.
These are some of Michelle's areas of expertise she's developed in her 30 years of practice.

She is also trained in the energetic healing form Attunement.
During the Times of Covid, she has been offering remote healing to clients.
If you aren't ready to get back into a massage studio, Attunement is a great way to go. It can smooth out the rough edges, clear the mind, ease the soul & relax the body.

If you are ready.....
she is providing a sanitary and safe environment following recommended guidelines.
#massagetherapyworks #handsonhealing
#energyhealing #cleanandserene #blacklivesmatter #lgbtqhealing #inittogether #compassionanddecency


Day 86: Covid Business Boost: Bayley’s Lobster Pound and The Bait Shed: Lobster with a view.


Day 84: Covid Business Boost: Wolf Pine Farm: Who’s your Farmer?